September 27, 2004

A Conflict of Faiths

In the early 1950's Whittaker Chambers recast what was thought to be a political conflict into a conflict of faith. At perhaps the darkest point in this battle Chambers joined the side which he believed would be the eventual losers - the side of the anti-Communists and the free world. Almost thirty years after his death as West and East Berliners danced upon the wall bisecting their city, somewhere Chambers enjoyed a relieved smile. Now it seems as if that fall was inevitable. But it was never inevitable. Brave men, doing what they knew to be right, unafraid of criticism by those with minds too small to comprehend the gravity of the times made it happen.

After a brief period in which our leaders pretended that the dangers of the world could be ignored and avoided we face a similar predicament today. Unfortunately few have the courage to step forward and state that our battle is not political but a battle of faiths that no political compromise will solve. At the Pumpkin Papers we suffer under no such delusion. The peoples of the world are involved in a global war between the forces of radical Islam and those who choose not to fall under its yoke. The battle is that simple. Yet the players their motives and their means, many of whom are left over from the previous war, are as deceptive, inscrutable and barbaric as those we previously faced.

The Pumpkin Papers will chronicle the minor skirmishes and the major battles of this war of faith and culture.